Health and Safety, Quality & Environment
Our Commitment
We are committed to the effective implementation of our WHS Strategy and Policies and to the continual improvement in our WHS Performance.
Our fundamental belief is that all incidents are preventable. Our philosophy is “Safety Always” which is reflected in our Safety Golden Rules. We believe that everyone is entitled to a safe and healthy workplace and that responsibility lies with each one of us and as such we will consult with our employees in decisions that affect workplace health and safety.
Our Actions
To meet our commitments under the Work Health and Safety legislation, we will set measurable objectives and targets. We will develop, implement and maintain effective management systems, and comply with relevant industry standards and legal requirements. Our principal objectives are to:
- provide a safe place of work for all throughout all of our activities;
- provide staff and contractors with guidance and training in identifying hazards, assessing risks and applying robust safety controls to prevent workplace incidents and share safety outcomes with all employees, contractors and visitors to our workplaces;
- maintain safe systems of work around mobile plant, machinery and equipment and target high risk areas such as excavation and trenching, management of the risk of falls and hazardous manual tasks. consult with employees and contractors on WHS issues and enable them to contribute to decisions that may affect their health, safety and wellbeing at work;
- engage our stakeholders to build relationships based on honesty, openness and mutual trust and share responsibility for meeting the goals of our WHS Strategy, policies and risk management objectives
- promote and foster a supportive, healthy and safe workplace culture and ensure that all employees and contractors are aware of their responsibilities for WHS in areas under their influence or control;
- ensure safety in design and hazard identification at the planning stage of each project by analysing risk and incorporating responsibilities, processes and controls to eliminate or mitigate these risks
- ensure that safety standards required for each project are met and compliance is attained from commencement until the completion of the project, through due diligence and review of contractors WHS management plans and documentation;
- investigate the cause and take corrective action for every incident regardless of whether it has caused injury or not; and
- regularly measure, publish and continuously improve our health and safety performance.
The support and co-operation of all employees and contractors on Cappello Hydraulics & Civil sites is required to ensure safe systems of work are maintained in accordance with our WHS policies.